Sunday, 31 March 2013

It hurts.

You see that girl, yeah her.
She seems so invincible.
But just touch her and she'll wince.
She has secrets and she trusts no one.
She’s the perfect example of betrayal.
Because everyone she trusted, broke her.
Life is hard, love is strange.
Nothing last, people change.
People talk just a little too much.
You never know just who to trust.
Love grows where trust is laid, and love dies where trust is betrayed.
Its hard to trust people now days some don't understand your situation, some have big mouths, and some just don't listen.
Break my trust once. And everything changes from there.
Everyone deserves a second chance, but trusting them won't be the same.
It takes years to build up trust, and just seconds to destroy it.

People ask me why it's so hard to trust others, i ask them why it is so hard to keep a promise.

But maybe this one helps a lot:
And when your world seems to come crashing down,
and the people you thought you trusted have betrayed you, smile.
Smile, and make them wonder why.

But it hurts so deeply that I have to find it myself.